AB Limousine Service
25年来,Alain Bureau一直致力于为全球商界、时尚、娱乐以及影视界的贵宾提供顶级服务。
Alain Bureau 首创并发展了伴您日常出行的高品质服务,确保私密,赢得了每位贵宾巴黎行的信赖。
ABLS 公司位于巴黎市中心,距离旺多姆广场仅几步之遥。
ABLS 为您提供量身打造的顶级服务:机场/车站接送,市内出行;观光,购物;商务活动或商务游。
AB Limousine Service
AB Limousine Service
法律声明 :
AB Limousine Service
52 rue de Londres 75008 Paris
代理人:公司总裁 ALAIN BUREAU先生.
配有司机的旅游用车服务注册号 : EVTC075130197
公司注册号 : 793 962 275 00012
欧共体内增值税号 : FR 39 793 962 275
本网站出版物负责人 : Mr ALAIN BUREAU先生
电话. : 办公室 : +33(0)1 83 92 16 23 – 手机 : +33(0)6 62 73 24 75
Movie director: Christophe Monier
Music: Franck Sitbon
Artistic creation : Pierre-Olivier Leroy – LC création
Web site : Applications Informatiques - Roberto Bindelli
Terms and conditions :
The prices in our prices include VAT at the rate fixed by the regulations for transport services (*), the chauffeur service, fuel and unlimited insurance "transported persons"; tolls, parking fees and meals are the responsibility of the passengers.
Baggage accepted within the limit of 30 kg per passenger and remain in the custody of it.
On request, a transport card is issued to the person transported to the completion of the transport service.
Payment: Cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, American Express, Master Card ...).
Any transport service is subject to a deposit of 30% of tax due and the remainder payable on completion; if the occupant has the quality of "client account", the provision gives rise to the billing payable on receipt, by the 15th of the month following its execution.
Any complaint is admissible only within 8 days of the execution of the provision of carriage concerned.
Any dispute falls within the courts instead of the Headquarters of ABLS Paris.
(*) Tax rate applied: 10 or 20% depending on the service (transfer or provision)